Dyes can take up to three weeks to ship during times of high order volume. Dyes are small batch and filled to order.

Website Issues

If there are any issues with the website, please contact us directly to have it looked into and corrected. If there is a pricing issue, shipping issue, or any issue with an order, please use the contact us form.

Message from the CTO

We aim to have an all inclusive site and I personally am an advocate for web accessibility. Our hope is to make this site available to every customer at all times. As we move forward, there will be several enhancements made, some small some larger. We will communicate any major changes to our customers so they may enjoy them.

Site Updates

As our website grows, we want to let you know of all the new features available. Please note this will not include content updates, only features.

  • 11/04/2022
    • Favorites: After looking at our abandon cart and some research we found that customers were using cart as a way to save items until later. This will be a new way to do this and in future we will provide the ability to add numbers and add all to cart with a single click.
    • Alert Messaging: Alert messages were added so we can inform our customers of site updates when they come to the site.
  • 12/13/2022
    • Next.js 13: Started upgrade to Next.13 to fix some of the known bugs and issues.
    • Sanity CMS: Connected to CMS to ease content updates for non shop related content.